Level 2 Exercises

Doing these exercises will help you become really good at some core skills that we need for futsal. This is intended to be fun and challenging – it’s entirely optional for you to do. It’s important to enjoy the process and not worry if you make mistakes. Remember that making mistakes is part of learning, and the more you practice, the better you will become. Try to break down the exercises into small chunks and focus on completing just one or two challenges at a time. As you complete the challenges, tick them off in your booklet. 

If you need help with any of these, come and ask us in class. 


Ankle Rolls


1. Do it on your favourite foot 10 times in a row with no mistakes
2. Do it on the other foot 10 times in a row with no mistakes
3. Do hopping rolls – be able to do 10 good ones on each foot




1. Jump as high as you can (over something at least as high as your knee)
2. Jump as far as you can 
3. At least 30 bunny hops in 20 seconds

Tik Toks - Moving


1. Move forwards and backwards 4 times (no mistakes)
2. Move side to side 4 times (no mistakes)
3. Go round in a square twice (no mistakes)




1. 10 in a row on your favourite foot (no mistakes)
2. 10 in a row on your other foot (no mistakes)
3. Both feet 20 times (no mistakes)


Moving Toe Taps


1. 3 Backwards circles
2. 3 forwards circles
3. Forwards and backwards 5 times


Inside Outside


1. 20 seconds of really good touches on your favourite foot
2. 20 seconds of really good touches on your other foot
3. Be able to comfortably dribble through markers using both feet


Sidestep Dribble


1. 5 really good attempts in a row on your favourite foot
2. 5 really good attempts in a row on your other foot
3. 8 really good attempts in a row, alternating your feet


'0' and '8' - Outside


1. 5 perfect laps on your favourite foot
2. 5 perfect laps on your other foot
3. 6 perfect laps of a figure of 8 using both feet.